A good food project aims to ensure youngsters not only enjoy the benefits of a hot meal – they also learn how to prepare one as well.

Northallerton Youth Space allows young people aged from 11 to 17 to enjoy a full range of youth club activities including table tennis, pool, X-Box, music, as well as crafts and games.

Run by North Yorkshire Youth Service, the Tuesday evening sessions at Northallerton Town Hall recently started to include an option of learning culinary and food safety skills.

Youth worker Stacey Smith says these have proved so popular the service is looking to expand to other youth clubs in the area.

“As well as being fun, the sessions also offer an opportunity where life skills can be passed on,” said Stacey. “We like to provide hot food at every session and thought this was an opportunity to also pass on some cooking tips.”

Young people choose which meals to prepare and so far these have included cottage pie, pasta and spaghetti Bolognese. As well as proving delicious, the meals also provide a sense of achievement and confidence boost to the young chefs.

A grant from Broadacres Community Development Fund will allow further utensils and ingredients to be purchased to allow the sessions to continue.

“The food industry is one that does have entry points that don’t require a degree so if they do become interested it could be a future career,” said Stacey. “It’s a chance to also talk about nutrition and the importance of healthy food – how you can sneak vegetables into sauces.”

The Broadacres Community Development Fund supports local organisations, groups, and projects in areas where Broadacres has homes. All grants are approved by the Association’s own residents.

To apply visit https://www.broadacres.org.uk/customer-area/getting-involved/community-development-fund/