About Broadacres’ Mental Health service
The recovery process for people experiencing mental ill health is greatly enhanced by living in as ordinary an environment as possible. This helps people to grow in confidence living within their community and to respond effectively to the impact of their illness.
Broadacres’ Mental Health service has worked closely with the Mental Health Teams within Hambleton and Richmondshire since 1999 and has developed strong and positive working relationships with good lines of communication.
Our staff are recruited for their skills and abilities. Through investing in staff we have a high retention rate, this in turn brings experience and motivated staff who remain loyal and committed.
“Whilst talking to someone and recommending supported housing to them, I realised how much you guys had helped. I received constant support every day and I don’t think I realised at the time how much it helped me but looking back it did. You are all AMAZING people” – Customer
“Broadacres support is equal to the care and support by the NHS. It is a service that can be trusted” – Customer’s parent
“Just wanted to write and say what a superb job your Support Worker does. She continues to be central to the management of our patient and her patience is superlative. Nothing is too much for her and I’m sure you realise what an asset to your and indeed ‘our’ team she is. A huge thanks to her for her continued, professionalism expertise and experience. I am much obliged” – Care Co-ordinator
How to find out more
For more details please click the links below or contact us or email our Mental Health Service Team.
How the service works
Eligibility criteria
- 18 years or over.
- Residing in the District/ Borough Local authority area.
- Have a demonstrable need for and the willingness to engage with: supported accommodation or support to maintain or prevent loss of their accommodation or independence.
- Identified as having a mental health issue and housing related support needs that can be managed in a community setting, (by the referral agency or themselves in case of self-referral).
Referrals and allocations
- Referrals can come from any source including self-referrals where possible with an up-to-date Care Plan and Risk Assessment (a referral form will be distributed nearer the commencement of services).
- The referral Pathway will be widely publicised by a range of multi-disciplinary communication channels and will be easily accessible for people to self-refer.
- Referrals will be triaged.
- Strength based needs assessment and risk assessment will be completed.
- Multi Agency Referrals, Allocation and Case Review Panel convenes on a monthly basis.
The panel
- The panel will include:
- Broadacres Scheme Manager (chair)
- NYCC Commissioning Team
- Local Community Mental Health Team (NHS)
- NYCC Mental Health Locality Team
- District/Borough Housing Team
- Where appropriate other representatives will be invited e.g. North Yorkshire Horizons, Probation, Community Safety Partnership.
- The panel will convene monthly to discuss current referrals to the service and progress of customers.
- Arrangements will be in place so the panel can proactively review support arrangements to ensure continued focus on recovery and building resilience in order to maximise move on opportunities.
- Care Act Assessments are offered to all.
- The panel will include:
Accommodation based support
- A Key Worker approach promotes consistency, trust and honesty between parties, providing a single point of contact for customers and their support network.
- Customer direct support per week – 5 hours
- Frequency of support per week – Daily support or two or three larger portions of support
- Duration of support – Up to 12 months
- Delivery of support – Support can be 1-2-1 or in groups. Broadacres has experience of delivering weekly Breakfast groups, lunch clubs and recovery groups. Each customer will as a minimum have face to face contact once per week.
- Planning – At the end of each support session further goals are agreed and planned with the customer to build on their practical skills and emotional resilience and enable them to achieve goals and live independently.
Floating support
- A Key Worker approach promotes consistency, trust and honesty between parties, providing a single point of contact for customers and their support network.
- Customer direct support per week – 1 hours
- Frequency of support per week – Generally, 1 session per week
- Duration of support – Up to 12 months, up to 6 months if moving on from supported accommodation
- Delivery of support – Support can be 1-2-1 or in groups. Broadacres has experience of delivering weekly Breakfast groups, lunch clubs and recovery groups. Each customer will as a minimum have face to face contact once per week.
- Planning – At the end of each support session further goals are agreed and planned with the customer to build on their practical skills and emotional resilience and enable them to achieve goals and live independently.
Types of support
- Tenancy Related Support
- Personal Administration
- Social Networks and Relationships
- Financial Planning
- Meaningful Activities
- Health and Well Being
Support planning and risk assessments
- Support is tailored to a customers need by using a person-centred holistic approach.
- Support plans are co-produced once a customer has accessed the service highlighting areas of support to empower them to maximise their potential and enable them to live to independently.
- The mental health recovery star is an outcome focused support tool and customers can measure their progress and highlight where there is more work to be done in certain areas.
- Support plans will be reviewed monthly with the customer in line with the service specification and where possible with the customers permission jointly with family members, carers and significant others.
- Risk management plans will be reviewed monthly or earlier if there is an identified change. We consider any recent identified risks, feedback from agencies and if applicable the customers up to date mental health risk assessment.
Service move on’s
- Broadacres has a proven record of supporting customers to move on to more independent accommodation within timeframes of the service specification. By continually monitoring progress we plan to ensure move on to more independent accommodation is sustainable. We use several interventions to support this process:
- North Yorkshire Home Choice application.
- A resettlement report identifying achieved goals.
- A ‘home first’ plan involving others such as the customers family, a care coordinator, identifying suitable locations and agreeing what if any future support may be required.
- An offer of up to six months Floating Support if deemed necessary, robust links with local housing teams to secure vacancies, support to access the relevant housing options and six weeks of follow up support.
- By continually monitoring progress we can plan to ensure that move on from Floating Support is also sustainable. At our multi agency panel meetings we will monitor the progress of customers and identify and remove any barriers to move on.
- Broadacres has a proven record of supporting customers to move on to more independent accommodation within timeframes of the service specification. By continually monitoring progress we plan to ensure move on to more independent accommodation is sustainable. We use several interventions to support this process:
Ryan's Story

Ryan Saunders crushed up 200 tablets and mixed them into a bottle of blackcurrant.
His plan was to go out somewhere on his own, drink the “cocktail” and bring his life to an end.
He believes he would have gone ahead with his suicide had it not been for an email read by a Broadacres Housing Officer, but before we can continue with Ryan’s story, it’s important to start at the beginning.
Read more........Supported housing

Supported housing is for people with severe and enduring mental ill health. The schemes provide intensive support within the individuals own accommodation
More about Suppported HousingOutreach support

The team can offer packages of outreach support to individuals within their own homes and within the local community enabling them to live as fulfilled and independent a life as possible.
More about Outreach Support