Properties available to rent in North Yorkshire
Broadacres has a large number of properties available to rent in the North Yorkshire area, including Hambleton, Richmondshire, Scarborough, Rydale and Selby. We are part of the North Yorkshire Home Choice Scheme.
North Yorkshire Home Choice is a Choice Based Lettings (CBL) Scheme that advertises council and housing association properties for rent and shared ownership properties for sale.
Available properties are advertised weekly and if you are eligible and qualify to join the North Yorkshire Home Choice housing register you can express an interest (bid) on up to 3 properties you would like to be considered for.
Important information
Things you will need before you start your application
Before you begin your application to North Yorkshire Home Choice you will need the following information:
- Your national insurance number & the national insurance number for the joint applicant (if applicable)
- Annual income for yourself and joint applicant, including any savings or shares that you or the joint applicant has.
- Allow yourself at least 30 minutes to complete your application
- A five year address history for yourself and joint applicant
Do's and don'ts
- Check available homes every week
- Respond promptly to offers of a property
- Only place bids on homes you are interested in
- Ensure you know where the property is before you bid
- Ask for assistance if required
- Inform us of changes to your contact details
- Provide your further information promptly
- Inform us of changes to your circumstances
- Place bids on areas you are not interested in
- Give false information when applying for housing
- Place bids on properties you are not interested in
- Give your reference number or memorable date to another person
- Forget to place bids during the bid cycle
- Miss an appointment to view a property
Fact or fiction
- I get three bids a week – FACT
- I have to bid every week, even if there are no properties in my areas of choice – FICTION, you don’t have to bid if there are no properties in the your areas of choice.
- I won’t get housed in silver or bronze band – FICTION, we house applicants from all bands, Gold, Silver and Bronze.
- My application won’t be made active until I have provided further information – FACT, we will write out to you to request further information and once we are in receipt of this we will make your application active.
- I have to bid as soon as the bidding cycle opens – FICTION, you can bid at any time during the bid cycle, your bid will be ordered on the shortlist based on your housing need.
- Properties are always allocated to the first person on the list – FICTION, this can happen however, some applicants who are top of the list may not be suitable for the property or turn the property down. If this happens we will continue to work down the shortlist.
Good Tenant Scheme
Q. What is the ‘Good Tenant’ scheme?
A. This is an incentive scheme for secure or assured tenants living in the partnership area.
Q. How do I qualify to become a ‘Good Tenant’?
A. To qualify for the scheme you must meet the following conditions:
- Have lived in your current property for the last 3 years or more and your landlord is a full member of the North Yorkshire Home Choice partnership (Broadacres is a full member)
- Not breached your tenancy conditions in the past 3 years (this includes conditions relating to anti-social behaviour & rent arrears)
- Your home must be in a good state of repair and decoration and suitable for re-letting without any additional work
- You would agree to allow us to show other potential tenants around your property prior to you move out
- If you qualify for the scheme then you may be entitled to some additional priority when your register with North Yorkshire Home Choice.
North Yorkshire Home Choice

You can find further information about the North Yorkshire Home Choice scheme and how to register an application on-line by visiting their website.
Find out moreHousing Stock

In order to help you decide where you may wish to bid and to give you an idea of how long you may have to wait to be housed in your chosen areas, you can see information about our housing stock areas.
Find out more