About joint tenancies
All joint tenants are responsible for making sure they follow all the conditions of the tenancy agreement. This is particularly important in relation to paying rent, as each joint tenant can be held responsible for the whole amount of any rent due.
Ending a joint tenancy
If you no longer want the joint tenancy to continue, you should contact us for advice on the options available. If you can agree who should continue to be a tenant, it will normally be possible to sign the tenancy over to that person (or persons).
Changing from sole to joint tenancy
If you have a tenancy by yourself and later want to change it to a joint tenancy with someone else, please download the form below and return it to us. This is allowed only in certain circumstances. Once we receive the form we will contact you.
Sole to Joint guidance and application form
You should not leave the property without contacting us, as you will still be liable for paying the rent and following any other conditions of the tenancy.
More information about joint tenancies
If you have any concerns or further questions please contact us