Keeping your home in a reasonable condition
You are responsible for keeping your home in a reasonable condition and for insuring the contents of your home.
If you have applied to buy your home, we will continue to maintain the structure and internal services until you complete the purchase.
Some repairs are rechargeable. You can get details of the cost of chargeable work by contacting us.
You can report a repair in the any of the following ways (except emergencies).
- Via the Broadacres app; click here for more information
- By logging into My Account
- Online on our website; Click here to use the online reporting form
- By e-mail by clicking here
- By telephone using our standard number; 01609 767900
- To any member of staff; or
- In writing to;
Broadacres Housing Association
Broadacres House
Mount View
Standard Way
North Yorkshire
All repairs are important to us but we need to deal with them in order of priority.
1. Repair Priorities
Broadacres aim to respond to all repairs as quickly as possible, but it is necessary for us to prioritise them to ensure we deliver great customer experience and continue to provide safe, warm and secure homes for our customers.
Repairs are categorised as ‘emergency’, ‘urgent’, ‘routine’ or ‘planned’ using the below guidance together with consideration of the vulnerability or individual circumstances of the customer. Please see below.
a. Emergency Repairs
Emergency repairs need attending to immediately because there is a risk of danger to a customer’s health and safety or serious damage to a customer’s home.
We aim to attend within 24 hours to make the property safe and wherever possible to complete a full repair. Where a full repair is not possible, we will arrange a new suitable appointment in line with the relevant priority below.
Examples of emergency repairs are
- There is no power or lights (and not a general power failure) or there is an unsafe socket or fitting which the customer needs to use
- Loss of heating in winter, where there is no other form of heating available
- Toilet not flushing (if only one toilet)
- Total loss of water supply (and not a general failure)
- Bursts on hot-water or cold-water supply, but only if they are not able to turn off the stop tap
- Water is affecting wiring after a burst
- Blocked drains or leaking foul drain, soil stack or toilet pan. (where there is only one toilet)
- Serious leaks inside the property
- Insecure outside windows, doors or locks (where the window/door cannot be closed and/or secured by any means whatsoever);
- Lifts and fire alarms are out of order
- A dangerous structure, such as a wall that might collapse
b. Urgent Repairs
The Urgent priority is for failures/defects that could damage the property or inconvenience the tenant. We aim to complete these within 5 working days.
Examples of Urgent repairs are
- Electrical repairs
- Loss of hot water
- Blocked sink basin or bath
- Loss of heating in summer
- Leaking waste pipe or overflow
- Leaking roof
- Rotten timber floor or stair treads
- Loose or detached banister or handrail
- Door entry phone not working;
- Defects related to or contributing towards a pest infestation
c. Routine Repairs
The Routine priority is for faults/defects that will not cause serious discomfort or long-term damage to the property. We aim to complete within 15 working days.
Examples of routine repairs are
- General joinery repairs
- Plastering
- Re-glazing cracked panes of glass
- Repairs to kitchen fitting
- Extract fan repairs;
- Minor plumbing repairs such as dripping or leaking taps
- Repairs to exterior walls, brickwork and roofs
d. Planned Repairs
The Planned priority is for replacements items where it is more efficient to be carried out as part of a programme of works where multiple jobs in the same location can be grouped together. It will not be causing serious discomfort or long-term damage to the property and we aim to complete within 30 working days.
Examples of such work may be
- New kitchen units
- Misting between panes of glass
- Extractor fan replacements
- External work such as fencing, gates and paths
- Cleaning out and repairing defects to gutters and rainwater pipes
2. Appointment Slots
All repairs (excluding emergencies) will be appointed within an available time-slot that is convenient for the customer. Our appointment slots are Monday to Friday
- All day: 8am – 6pm
- Mornings: 8am – 1pm
- Afternoons: 12pm – 6pm
If you have a mobile phone number registered with Broadacres, you will receive a confirmation text message when the order has been booked, a reminder text message 48 hours before the appointment and a reminder text message when the operative is en-route. A text message will also be received to confirm any rearranged appointments.
3. Recalls
If we are recalled to the same repair within 28 days we will offer to reattend by the end of the next working day.
Responsive Repairs Policy

To support our vision ‘To be the best rural housing association in the country’, we must ensure our customers are proud to say they live in a Broadacres’ home. To achieve this, we will strive to deliver a first-class repairs experience and provide our customers with homes of the highest standards. The following document provides details of our commitment to our customers and how Broadacres provides a high quality, cost effective responsive repairs service for our customers.
Click here to download