Broadacres has today welcomed a decision by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority that will enable us to proceed with an affordable housing scheme in Sedbergh, Cumbria.

The Authority’s Planning Committee has agreed to modify the Section 106 agreement which will now allow Broadacres to apply for grant funding, from Homes England, for seven of the affordable rented homes it is building as part of the 49-home development off Station Road.

The seven homes were among 29 properties allocated in the Local Plan for housing with the other 20 on a Rural Exception Site.

The Authority’s decision does not actually mean the number of affordable homes will change, it’s just the mechanism for delivering them that will alter.

In total this will mean that, as per the original plan, 17 of the homes will still be offered for affordable rent and 17 for shared ownership. The other 15 will be for open market sale. The percentage of affordable homes on the site with be 69%.

Helen Fielding, Director – Development and Investment for Broadacres, said: “We are extremely grateful to the National Park Authority for making the changes necessary to help us secure the affordable homes at Sedbergh.

“In the current, very difficult climate we remain committed to delivering affordable homes for local people in rural communities, and the decision to vary the legal document governing the homes at Sedbergh allows us to ask Homes England to provide grant help, which if approved will help secure both the Sedbergh development, and our plans for more affordable homes across the Yorkshire Dales.”

Completion of the first phase of homes is expected to be from autumn 2023. People in Sedbergh and the surrounding communities will be given priority when it comes to the allocation of the affordable homes.