We are dedicated to improving our services by continually reviewing your experiences and using your feedback to improve and shape our services.
Below are examples of the feedback you have given us and the changes we have made in response.
You said......
We would like to be more involved in decisions about community investment.
We did….
We increased the ways that customers can tell us how Community Development Fund should be spent by introducing a new voting system to increase the number of people taking part.
Customers in supported schemes and members of our Customer Network are now able to vote on which groups are awarded community grants.
We have to wait too long when calling the contract centre.
We did….
We increased the number of Contact Centre Advisors and changed their working hours to reflect the times of most demand.
We now let callers know their position in call queue, and as a result, the abandonment rate has fallen to below 10% from 17%, with customers consistently reporting good levels of satisfaction with the service.
We need more direct debit options.
We did….
We introduced ‘any day direct debits’ which will be available from May 2024, once our current contracts have expired.
The cash only option to pay for services at schemes inconvenient and would like other options.
We did….
We are looking at different ways to pay, including card readers. This would also let customers make rent payments at dedicated schemes.
The crockery is heavy and the utensils are hard to use at extra care schemes.
We did….
We are inviting customers to try some new crockery and utensils and provide feedback. The trial is due to take place in summer 2024.
My new home was dusty and dirty and not what I expected.
We did….
Broadacres cleaning team will now clean all new homes before customers move in.
The main doors at Kirkwood Hall are open too long causing draughts in the dining area.
We did….
We changed the timer on the doors to avoid heat loss and draughts.
We enjoyed the community action day, but would like to be more involved.
We did….
We increased the information available about how customers can get involved and a member of the Customer Network comes to each event so that customers can get feedback about their community.
The governments Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) tariff process is too complicated without support.
We did….
We now have a dedicated Customer Liaison Officer who works with customers to solve any problems and provide help to apply for the SEG tariff.
We would like to see improvements to our homes which help to make them more sustainable.
We did….
In our Sustainability Strategy Action Plan 2024, we have identified simple improvements for our new build homes.
To read our Sustainability Strategy please CLICK HERE
Hardwood flooring in flats is causing a noise nuisance.
We did….
Following consultation, hardwood floors are now not allowed in all new general needs tenancies above ground floor.
There should be designated people to deal with anti-social behaviour and noise nuisance.
We did….
We have designated officers to deal with anti-social behaviour (ASB) and Neighbourhood Officers to help with noise nuisance complaints. We have a dedicated Community Safety Manager who will oversee ASB & noise nuisance complaints.
We would like to see Broadacres colleagues on our estates more often.
We did….
We carry out estate inspections annually (or more frequently based on customer feedback) or if there is a particular risk. Estate inspections will be advertised on our website and social media channels. We will also inform customers directly about when an estate inspections will take place in their area.
All internal communal areas are inspected monthly to ensure they are clean and safe.
We will inspect reports of untidy gardens within 5 working days.
We will respond to enquiries from customers within 3 working days and agree a time to visit their home.