Summary for customers
Welcome to Broadacres’ Customer Strategy.
This strategy has been written with customers, colleagues and those we work alongside.
We want to tell you about the things we will do to help us keep, build and strengthen our relationship with you and those we work with. This will help us to provide great customer experiences for you.
What is customer experience?
Customer experience is how you feel when coming into contact with Broadacres services and colleagues. We look at the effect of every contact between you and Broadacres, entirely from your view.
Broadacres is a customer experience based organisation because we think that listening to your views and understanding how we make you feel are the things that help us to provide you with the best service we can.
The core purpose of this strategy is to protect and strengthen our relationship with you. We will do this by building and maintaining your trust based on four things:
- We will do what we say we will: You can rely on us, we are a good landlord.
- We will show you empathy, treat you with respect and have a passion for our work: These are our values, and we will follow these values every day.
- We understand your experiences: You can trust us to use this information to improve the services you need.
- We listen to your views: We respond to your needs and clearly show that we do.
Our journey so far
Our vision is to be ‘the best rural housing association in the country’, and our mission is ‘great people, providing great homes and great customer experiences across our rural communities’.
We have made lots of progress over the last few years, and this can be shown by the strong scores we receive in our annual survey and other regular surveys.
You tell us you are very satisfied with the services we provide, you trust Broadacres and we show empathy and treat you with respect.
The great people we work with
Providing a great customer experience relies on Broadacres colleagues responding to you in a way that suits you, and we expect all colleagues to behave with respect, show empathy for others and be passionate about their role and what Broadacres does.
These are the Broadacres values, and we ask for the same values from new colleagues.
Objective 1: Providing a great customer experience
We will provide:
- a great repairs service: This is where most people come into contact with Broadacres
- great homes: Including providing energy efficient homes with lower fuel use and lower emissions of carbon dioxide
- safe and secure neighbourhoods: We will deliver our Neighbourhood Offer and Customer Promise
- many ways to contact us: We will continue to offer lots of different ways to communicate, so you can choose the one you prefer
Objective 2: Handling complaints effectively
We will make sure that:
- making a complaint is easy and straightforward
- complaints are handled by someone who can put it right
- we deal with complaints quickly
- we learn lessons and make improvements
Objective 3: Demonstrating a customer ethos
We will:
- show that you are at the heart of decision making: We will listen to your voice at every level in Broadacres and continue to involve you in decision making
- use all the feedback available to improve our services: We will place equal importance on the feedback you give us and when we have actively asked you for feedback
- use the information we hold about you to provide the services you need: Alongside the data we hold, new technology will enable us to improve services and design them for you
Objective 4: Building a connection with you
We will boost trust and feelings of reassurance with you, by building, keeping and strengthening an emotional connection.
We will do this by:
- treating you as individuals: Showing we know you in every contact and using that knowledge to provide services that are tailored for you
- responding to your concerns quickly: Whether your concern is specific to Broadacres, the housing sector or something else
- understanding and responding to the needs of our partners and stakeholders: So that together, this will help us to deliver a great experience for you
Objective 5: Demonstrate our ethical approach
To reassure you we will:
- emphasise our values: We will show you where decision making supports our values of passion, respect and empathy
- be professional: We will develop and adopt professional standards across Broadacres
- be transparent: We will open up and publicise the work of the Board and other committees, so you have the opportunity to communicate with decision makers
- review the structures for “active” customers: We will help you to develop the skills that will enable you to participate at all levels within Broadacres
Accessible Word version - Customer Strategy Summary 2023 - 2028

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Click the link below to download a ‘PDF’ version of the full Customer Strategy 2023 – 2028.
PDF download - Customer Strategy 2023 - 2028