Corporate Strategy 2023 - 2028

Broadacres is proud to be the rural housing association focused on North Yorkshire, from its market towns and coastal communities, to the more rural areas. Our Corporate Strategy builds on the learning from our successful previous strategy, with customers at the heart of our decision making. This strategy will see us embed customer insight into every area of our organisation and continue to focus on energy efficiency.
Download the Corporate Strategy hereAsset Management Strategy 2024 - 2028

This is the third Asset Management Strategy, and it brings our approach to asset management up to date and into alignment with the 2023-2028 Corporate Strategy.
This strategy builds on the approach to asset management taken within the 2020-2023 strategy. It connects, at a strategic level, decisions about the deployment of our built assets and their future investment needs with ensuring that our homes are places our customers enjoy, and which keep them safe, warm and make them feel good about where they live.
Download the Asset Management Strategy hereCustomer Strategy 2023 - 2028

Our Customer Strategy lays out how we intend to deliver our goal to provide great customer experiences and deliver services which make our customers feel safe and secure.
At Broadacres we strive to provide great homes in which our customers can live happily and affordably. We recognise that every customer is different, and their individuality is reflected in how they live and interact with their home and with us as an organisation. This strategy has been designed to acknowledge this and aims to show the behaviours and plan the actions which will help us maintain, build and strengthen our relationship with all our customers.
Read the Customer Strategy hereGrowth Strategy 2023 - 2028

We are proud to be the only major Housing Association based in North Yorkshire with a strong focus on supporting our local partners and communities. We are ambitious for our growth and our customers experience. This strategy for growth articulates how we will deliver more safe, warm and affordable homes in the next 5 years across our rural geography.
Download the Growth Strategy 2023 - 2028Housing Support Strategy

Our Housing Support Strategy sets out Broadacres vision to provide excellent, inclusive, person-centred services which will grow over the life of this Strategy.
At Broadacres we recognise that housing with support is crucial for our most vulnerable customers and that the provision of this support has a positive impact on the quality of a customer’s life, empowering them to have a voice and to engage with the wider community.
Download the Housing Support StrategyValue for Money Strategy 2023-26

Delivering VfM is integral to what we do; this means measuring our costs relative to the quality of service we deliver and what it means for our customers.
Achieving VfM is not simply procuring the cheapest services or components but about the quality and effectiveness of the outcomes for the money we spend, the customer experience, and connecting investment with performance over the short, medium and long terms. We are constantlychoosing which items or services to buy and which to in-source with our limited resources.
Read the Value for Money Strategy 2023 - 2026Sustainability Strategy 2023 - 2025

This strategy sets out our environmental sustainability priorities and objectives for the next five year but also looks ahead over the next thirty years and shapes Broadacres’ approach to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Download the Sustainability StrategyAllocations Policy - October 2024
We are a partner in North Yorkshire Home Choice. We have adopted the North Yorkshire Home Choice common allocation policy. This policy outlines additional criteria specific to Broadacres.
Anti-social Behaviour Policy - November 2020
The aim of our anti-social behaviour (ASB) policy is to ensure that the communities in which we work are secure and a peaceful place to live. We believe everyone has the right to live peacefully in their home and the surrounding communities.
Assignment Policy - August 2023
An assignment is where a tenancy is legally transferred from the existing tenant to another person.
Compensation Policy - April 2024
This policy sets out Broadacres’ approach to compensation and ensures that the organisation meets its legal and regulatory obligations.
Complaints Policy - January 2024
This policy relates to all parts of the organisation and to other organisations that provide services to our customers under contract or in partnership with us.
Domestic Abuse Policy - January 2025
As a social landlord and employer, Broadacres recognises that it has a role to play in the safeguarding of its customers and colleagues. This policy aims to support our approach to dealing with domestic abuse.
Equality and Inclusion Policy - 2020
Broadacres Housing Association is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to promoting equality and recognising and responding to diversity.
Good Neighbourhood Management Policy - October 2023
Broadacres Housing Association believes that everyone is entitled to quiet enjoyment of their home, without undue disruption and disturbance from others. We are committed to tackling Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and nuisance as and when it arises.
Hoarding Policy - March 2022
This Policy outlines Broadacres’ approach to dealing with issues of clutter and hoarding in its properties.
Income Collection Policy - September 2022
The purpose of this policy is to set out Broadacres approach to both maximise income and minimise rent loss for the organisation while ensuring fair treatment and a supportive approach to all customers.
Mutual Exchange Policy - August 2023
Broadacres wishes to support customers by maximising their choice and opportunities to move into accommodation that meets their needs and aspirations.
Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Statement - 2023
The Health, Safety and Welfare policy statement applies to all operations within the Broadacres group and we are committed to leading by example in promoting health, safety, and welfare in all our operations.
Download the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Statement
Responsive Repairs Policy
This policy provides details of our commitment to our customers and how Broadacres provides a high quality, cost effective responsive repairs service for our customers.
Safeguarding Adults Policy - January 2025
Our policy and procedures are founded on the safeguarding principles and values that govern how the safeguarding adult’s procedure should be implemented i.e. Empowerment, Protection, Prevention, Proportionality, Partnership and Accountability.
Safeguarding Children Policy - January 2025
Broadacres recognises that all children have a right to protection from abuse. We take seriously our responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young children.
Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
We all have a responsibly to be alert to the risks, however small, in our business and in the wider supply chain. Employees are expected to report concerns and management are expected to act upon them.
Starter Tenancy Policy - 2022
This policy outlines our approach on the use and management of Starter Tenancies. It will identify how they will be used to improve tenancy sustainability, reduce anti-social behaviour and non-payment of rent.
Succession Policy - August 2023
Our customers have different succession rights depending on the type of tenancy agreement they hold. Our tenancy agreement terms and conditions do however set out what rights our customers have and in what circumstances they can succeed to a tenancy.
Tenancy Fraud Statement - April 2023
Broadacres is committed to delivering an excellent customer service. We aim to make the best use of our homes and ensure that they are occupied in accordance with the law, our tenancy agreements and our charitable objectives.
Tenancy Policy - November 2022
This policy sets out the type of tenancies we will grant and the circumstances in which we will grant tenancies of a particular type.
Unacceptable Customer Behaviour Policy - Abridged
On a small number of occasions customers may act out of character in times of trouble or distress. It is these behaviours that we aim to manage under this policy and we will protect and support colleagues, where customer actions are unacceptable.
Download the Unacceptable Customer Behaviour Policy - Abridged
Unacceptable Customer Behaviour Policy - Accessible
On a small number of occasions customers may act out of character in times of trouble or distress. It is these behaviours that we aim to manage under this policy and we will protect and support colleagues, where customer actions are unacceptable.
Download the Unacceptable Customer Behaviour Policy - Accessible
Vulnerability, Protected Characteristics and Reasonable Adjustments Policy
This policy will support colleagues to provide an accessible and inclusive service to all our customers and will ensure that we do not discriminate by not recognising, responding and recording a disability.
Vulnerability, Protected Characteristics and Reasonable Adjustments Policy for Customers
This policy will support colleagues to provide an accessible and inclusive service to all our customers and will ensure that we do not discriminate by not recognising, responding and recording a disability.