Vulnerability, Protected Characteristics and Reasonable Adjustments Policy
How to make a Complaint
Help us to get things right.
If you feel we haven’t done what we should have, or we have let you down in some way, please talk to us.
Call: 01609 767900
What is a complaint?
The Housing Ombudsman says that a complaint is:
“An expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of
service, actions or lack of action by Broadacres, our staff, or those acting on our behalf, affecting you or a group of residents.”
Often your concerns can be resolved quickly at first point of contact and you will not need to go through the formal process. However, if you wish for your concerns or dissatisfaction to be recorded as a complaint, then our colleagues will support you through this process.
You may need us to help you access our complaints process, if you do, just let us know, and we can provide extra support with this.
A complaint can be where we have:
- not done something that we should have done
- done something that we should not have done
- treated you unfairly, not been polite or acted badly
- given you a service below the expected standard
- given you incorrect information
- not followed our policies and procedures
At any point of your complaint, you can contact the Housing Ombudsman Service for support or advice.
Sometimes we receive complaints that cannot be considered under the
Complaints Policy. If this is the case we will let you know why in writing within 5 working days of receiving it.
Service Request.
Where you contact us to request a service for the first time, we will let you know that this will not be treated as a complaint and your request will be recorded, monitored and reviewed regularly and dealt with by the relevant department.
Examples of a service request:
- the first report of a repair
- an initial request for information or an explanation
- a report of anti-social behaviour
However, if you feel dissatisfied with our response to your service request or provision of this service and wish to raise a complaint we will willingly record and action this.
How to make a complaint.
We will accept complaints by telephone, letter, e-mail, in person, on the website and social media, and we will accept complaints made by your friends, relatives or advocates, who have your permission to act on your behalf.
What happens next?
Once you’ve told us about your complaint:
- we will aim to let you know that we’ve got your complaint by the end of the next working day, but always within the Housing Ombudsman Code requirements of 5 working days.
- we will give you a full written response within 10 working days
This is called a stage 1 complaint.
If we need more time to put things right, we will only do this in agreement with you and we will keep you up to date.
Where something has gone wrong, we will provide you with an honest and open explanation and set out the actions we have already taken or intend to take to put things right. We’ll also let you know how we will learn from any mistakes.
If you are still not happy, you can move your complaint to the next level,
This is called a stage 2 complaint.
You’ll need to let us know if you’d like to do this.
We’ll acknowledge this by the end of the next working day and respond in writing within 20 working days.
If you are still not happy?
You can contact the Housing Ombudsman Service (HOS) by:
Telephone: 0300 111 3000
Letter: Housing Ombudsman Service, PO Box 152, Liverpool, L33 7WQ
You can contact Broadacres using any of the ways below:
Telephone: 01609 767900
Social media: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
Letter: Broadacres Housing Association, Mount View, Standard Way, Northallerton, DL6 2YD
Please contact us if you would like this leaflet in Braille, large print, audio or another language.

We are working hard to improve the way we deal with your complaints. To find out how we are performing and to see some examples of how we have listened and acted on your feedback, please click the link below.
Complaints: How are we performing?How to make a complaint leaflet

If you would like to download a leaflet containing the above information, please click the link below.
How to make a complaint leafletComplaints Policy

This policy relates to all parts of the organisation and to other organisations that provide services to our customers under contract or in partnership with us.
This Policy relates to customers who have a tenancy, lease, licence to occupy, service agreement or other arrangement to occupy premises owned or managed by Broadacres Housing Association.
Download the Complaints Policy in WordCompensation Policy

This policy sets out Broadacres’ approach to compensation and ensures that the organisation meets its legal and regulatory obligations. It defines compensation as a payment or gift made when we agree that we have not delivered a service to an acceptable standard and practical solutions have failed to fully redress the situation.
Download the Compensation Policy as a PDFOur Complaints Performance Reports
All landlords are required to evaluate their complaint handling procedures against the code and the Housing Ombudsman Service has provided a self assessment form to support in doing this.
Unacceptable Customer Behaviour Policy - Abridged
On a small number of occasions customers may act out of character in times of trouble or distress. It is these behaviours that we aim to manage under this policy and we will protect and support colleagues, where customer actions are unacceptable.
Download the Unacceptable Customer Behaviour Policy - Abridged
Unacceptable Customer Behaviour Policy - Accessible
On a small number of occasions customers may act out of character in times of trouble or distress. It is these behaviours that we aim to manage under this policy and we will protect and support colleagues, where customer actions are unacceptable.
Download the Unacceptable Customer Behaviour Policy - Accessible
Vulnerability, Protected Characteristics and Reasonable Adjustments Policy
This policy will support colleagues to provide an accessible and inclusive service to all our customers and will ensure that we do not discriminate by not recognising, responding and recording a disability.
Vulnerability, Protected Characteristics and Reasonable Adjustments Policy for Customers
This policy will support colleagues to provide an accessible and inclusive service to all our customers and will ensure that we do not discriminate by not recognising, responding and recording a disability.
Make a complaint form
Please DO NOT use the complaints form below for reporting anti-social behaviour, grass cutting or repairs.
If you are reporting a repair please CLICK HERE
If you are reporting anti-social behaviour please CLICK HERE
Complaint report
If you would like to make a complaint please complete the form below.
For further information about how we deal with complaints please view the following documents.