We focus on customer experience and aim to provide the highest standards of service and accommodation possible. Our mission, ‘great people, providing great homes and great customer experiences across our rural communities’, underpins the things we measure and the targets we set.

Broadacres is regulated and graded by the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH), who promote a viable, efficient and well-governed social housing sector, able to deliver and maintain homes of appropriate quality that meet a range of needs.

Our current governance rating is G2 and our current financial viability rating is V2.

We also work with involved customers to understand what is important to them, and we offer a ‘Customer Promise’ and ‘Neighbourhood Offer’ to keep customers informed about how we are performing. Below are their key targets.

Our current performance

Satisfaction measured


November 2024 score

Overall satisfaction

Number of surveys sent

Response rate


96% (no change)

2,695 (- 240)

28% (no change)

Repairs satisfaction

Number of surveys sent

Response rate


98% (no change)

925 (+ 197)

19% (no change)

Complaint satisfaction

Number of surveys sent

Response rate


76% (- 6%)

35 (+ 11)

49% (- 35%)

ASB satisfaction score

Number of surveys sent

Response rate: 37%


82% (- 6%)

31 (+ 9)

61% (- 21%)

Repairs appointments kept on time


99% (no change)

Estate inspections completed

67% (- 1%)

Internal painting completed

98% (no change)

External painting completed

95% (no change)

Garden inspections within 5 days


84% (+ 1%)

Communal area inspections


80% (+ 22%)

Play area inspections


100% (no change)

Fire alarm inspections


100% (no change)

Annual fire risk assessment


100% (no change)

Emergency lighting inspections


99% (no change)

Electrical communal checks


100% (no change)

Communal fire doors inspected


100% (no change)

Number of Stage 1 complaints received

33 (no change)

Number of Stage 2 complaints received

3 (+ 3)

Calls dealt at first point of contact


91% (- 9%)*

Up to 25th November due to a change in internal system

Number of calls to the contact centre

4,580 (- 473)

Visit to new customers within 6 weeks


80% (+ 1%)

Customer Network members

329 (no change)